A standardized instrument has highly refined measurement procedure, carefully developed and designed for administration under carefully-prescribed conditions for some specific purpose (Catane, 2000).
Standardized instruments share the following common properties or characteristics (Colombo, 1984):
1. They have well-defined instrument items with test administration having the same procedures and time limits.
2. Their procedures for scoring have been carefully prescribed.
3. Formative data (scores obtained from administration to other groups) have been prepared.
4. They include estimates of validity and reliability that are based upon said experimental research.
5. Some standardized instruments have been published and marketed by public and private enterprises.
Standardized instruments share the following common properties or characteristics (Colombo, 1984):
1. They have well-defined instrument items with test administration having the same procedures and time limits.
2. Their procedures for scoring have been carefully prescribed.
3. Formative data (scores obtained from administration to other groups) have been prepared.
4. They include estimates of validity and reliability that are based upon said experimental research.
5. Some standardized instruments have been published and marketed by public and private enterprises.